In one of his final videos as part of the “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games” YouTube series, Smash Bros. Masahiro creator offered a touching tribute to his friend and former boss Satoru Iwata, who served as Nintendo president from 2002 until his death in 2015.”It wouldn’t be right to end this channel without touching on this topic,” Sakurai wrote on X/Twitter.Sakurai, who opened the channel to talk about his experiences developing games, worked with Iwata at HAL Laboratory before the latter moved to Nintendo in 2000 as the head of corporate planning. Sakurai shares several touching memories over the course…
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Xiaomi plans to expand its Redmi Note 14 series with a new 4G variant. The series made its debut in China last month, featuring the Redmi Note 14 5G, Note 14 Pro 5G, and Note 14 Pro Plus 5G. However, the company appears set to introduce the Redmi Note 14 Pro 4G for the global market.This information comes from a report by XiaomiTime, which uncovered the device listing in the IMEI database. The Redmi Note 14 Pro 4G is identified by the model number 24116RACCG. While the IMEI database does not provide detailed specifications, the report indicates that the device has…
YouTube might be hiding the “skip button” that appears on its ad interface. Some users have reported that the skip button is entirely missing, whereas others have found it appearing after the countdown duration has passed. The video-streaming giant has reportedly stated that the skip button is not being tampered with. However, the company is testing the reduction of elements on the ad interface to improve the viewing experience. Separately, the company has also announced the decision to increase the duration of Shorts. Now, instead of one minute, the maximum length of a Short can be three minutes.YouTube Reportedly Confirms…
Intel Core Ultra 200S series desktop chipsets (codenamed Arrow Lake) have arrived, bringing AI PC technology to desktop-class computers. The flagship of the lot is the Intel Core Ultra 9 285K, featuring five unlocked cores, eight performance cores, and 16 efficiency cores—allowing for a 14% improvement in performance compared to the previous generation in multi-threaded workloads. Here’s all you need to know about the new chipsets.Also Read: Apple making it easier to remove batteries, iPhone 17 Pro models to come with…Intel Core Ultra 200S Desktop Chipsets: Key FeaturesLess Power Draw: Intel claims these new chipsets consume significantly less power, with…
A few years ago I wrote about how, when planning my wedding, I’d signaled to the Pinterest app that I was interested in hairstyles and tablescapes, and I was suddenly flooded with suggestions for more of the same. Which was all well and fine until—whoops—I canceled the wedding and it seemed Pinterest pins would haunt me until the end of days. Pinterest wasn’t the only offender. All of social media wanted to recommend stuff that was no longer relevant, and the stench of this stale buffet of content lingered long after the non-event had ended.So in this new era of…
Google Photos is reportedly adding a new functionality that will allow users to check whether an image was generated or enhanced using artificial intelligence (AI) or not. As per the report, the photo and video sharing and storage service is getting new ID resource tags which will reveal the AI info of the image as well as the digital source type. The Mountain View-based tech giant is likely working on this feature to reduce the instances of deepfakes. However, it is unclear how the information will be displayed to users.Google Photos AI AttributionDeepfakes have emerged as a new form of…
GameSpot may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for sharing this content and from purchases through links. It only took 30 years to make a comeback, but at long last, Mortal Kombat players can once again unleash the animal within. With the release of the Khaos Reigns expansion, Mortal Kombat 1 players got a nostalgic update with the new animalities that were added to the game, allowing them to perform grisly finishers in ferocious style.Naturally, some of these are imaginatively grotesque and are a showcase of creative carnage. We recently spoke to Josh Slingerland, principal artist and cinematics director…
Android 15 still isn’t available quite yet, but we already have some idea of what to expect from Android 16, with two possible features having just leaked.First up, there’s Priority Modes, which Android Authority has spotted in the latest Android 15 QPR 1 (Quarterly Platform Release 1) beta. This is essentially an update to the existing Do Not Disturb mode, adding the ability to create multiple custom Priority Modes, each with its own name, settings, and icon.You can configure when they trigger, such as at your bedtime or during a calendar event, and what (if any) notifications you’ll allow through…
Google Search app on Android keeps crashing in widespread bug 9to5Google
Apple plans to release its M4 Mac Studio and Mac Pro models by mid to late 2025, according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman in the latest Power On newsletter. These upcoming devices will feature Apple’s next-generation M4 chips, making them among the last Macs to be updated with this new chip technology. Apple Mac Studio and Mac Pro Release TimelineThe Mac Studio is expected to launch around mid-2025, potentially during the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June, while the Mac Pro could arrive in the latter half of the year, possibly by fall. Both models are set to use the unannounced…